
This post is going to jump around a lot, and doesn't have many pictures. I've got a LOT to cover. Do you ever look back at old pictures of yourself and just cringe? Like whole body cringe? I have so many past pictures that cause involuntary facial spasms, especially from the 80s and 90s. What was I thinking? Was that the ACTUAL STYLE of the times, or was I just "eclectic"?? Yesterday I had many similar thoughts as I looked back on this blog. Why did I use that blog template? What made me chose that title? Why did I think X, Y, or Z was a good topic to post about? Did I do photo shoots in a cave? Let's be real... some of these pictures are so bad I can't believe I posted them. Not that I'm a banging photographer now, but at least my photos aren't so dang DARK. One of these days maybe I'll invest in an actual camera setup. I'm leaving the old posts/photos for several reasons. It's fun to look back on and see my thought processes of the time...